(long-term) Consultancy for expert advisory services and development of knowledge products on anticipatory action (esp. early action, MEAL and research)

The German Red Cross is looking for a consultant (individual or team) to support its technical work with different projects, partners and activities in the field of anticipatory action, particularly in the area of early action, MEAL and research for at least 12 months, starting January 2025.

The consultant is to provide expert advice to practitioners of anticipatory action and forecast-based financing (FbF) on various levels, and the respective individual projects as well as further building and managing the early actions and the evidence data bases (hosted on the Anticipation Hub), documenting best practices, lessons learned in case studies, reports and research papers, thereby contributing to evidence-building.

The consultancy is intended for a duration of at least 12 months, with possible extensions of up to max. 48 months, until December 2028.

This tender consist of the following documents:

  1. Terms of Reference
  2. Declaration of Conformity
  3. Code of Conduct of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement
  4. Rules of Conduct for staff and volunteers on GRC missions
  5. Draft Framework Contract
  6. Draft Data Processing Agreement
  7. Bidders’ questions answered by the client and corrections made by them to the tender documents
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