The ENSURE research project aims to improve crisis management in urban areas and to develop situation-related helper concepts and warning systems.

Content orientation and results:

The ENSURE research project aimed at improving crisis management in urban areas and developing situational volunteer concepts and warning systems.

Within the project, the research at the German Red Cross (GRC) was able to develop a pilot concept for the training and further education of executives for the integration of unaffiliated volunteers and to develop a pilot concept for the instruction of unaffiliated volunteers in GRC structures.

In addition to the findings from application analyses, the two central exercises within the research project were used and scientifically evaluated.


Project structure: Crisis management in urban areas

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Publication series Volume II: “Pilot concept for the deployment of unaffiliated volunteers” - Part 1 and 2. DRK-Service GmbH.

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Video ENSURE - Project

Reference to needs for action:

ENSURE refers to “Improved integration of spontaneous offers of assistance in disaster control”.

  • Service-Box ENSURE

    Project Partner: Fraunhofer FOKUS, Free University Berlin, Technical University Berlin, fire department Berlin, Society for Data Protection and Data Security e.V., HFC Human-Factor-Consult GmbH

    Associated Partner: WISAG AG for building services, CombiRisk GmbH for insurance, Senate Department for Interior and Sports Berlin, Disaster Control Authority for Public Authorities, Airport Association for Transport Infrastructure Operators ADV

    Founding source: BMBF

    Project term: 08/2013 – 12/2016

    Official project description:ENSURE documentation

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