Deutsches Rotes Kreuz DRK, Bundesfreiwilligendienst (BFD), Bufdi, IKÖ, interkulturelle, Öffnung, Pflegeeinrichtungen , Altenheime, Pflegeheime Stationaere Pflege, Altenpflege, Senioren, Rentner, Generationen, Zuwendung, Betreuung, jung, alt, Gespräch

GRC volun­teering place­ments for people from overseas

Also for people from overseas, there are many opportunities to volunteer in Germany. The so-called "incoming programme" of the GRC offers interested, young people from all over the world exiting experiences.
Voluntary services are a secure way of civic commitment and are usually limited to a12-month period. Interested people can apply for a role in health or elderly care, at social service providers like youth welfare services or children aid services or in the field of education. The incoming programme for the GRC can be completed as a sponsored voluntary service regulated by law: as a voluntary social year, as a federal volunteer service, as a European Voluntary Service (EVS), or within the "weltwärts South-North" programme.

More Inform­a­tion

Deutsches Rotes Kreuz DRK, Einsatzbereiche / Aktivitaeten / Leistungen / Aufgaben, Sozialarbeit, Düsseldorf, Junge, Frau, Bundesfreiwilligendienst (BFD), Freiwilliges Soziales Jahr (FJS)

The German Red Cross offers young people different interesting opportunities to volunteer overseas.

Deutsches Rotes Kreuz DRK, Einsatzbereiche / Aktivitaeten / Leistungen / Aufgaben, Sozialarbeit, Düsseldorf, Junge, Frau, Bundesfreiwilligendienst (BFD), Freiwilliges Soziales Jahr (FJS)

The German Red Cross offers young people different interesting opportunities to volunteer overseas.

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