Marokkanischer Roter Halbmond verteilt Hilfsgüter nach dem Erdbeben

Earthquake in Morocco

Humanitarian aid for the people of Morocco is a marathon, not a sprint: those affected will need support in the coming weeks and months!

Humanitarian aid knows no borders

Whether in the event of natural disasters, famine, epidemics or armed conflict: We help people in need - in over 40 countries.Take a look at our current projects.

Current projects in Europe

[Translate to Englisch:]

The hardship and suffering of Ukrainians both in the country and on the run, and thus their need for humanitarian aid, is becoming more urgent and greater. The GRC is providing assistance.

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Greece has become the most important stopover for refugees who travel to Europe. The high number of refugees leads to poor circumstances. The GRC supports the Hellenic Red Cross with relief items and hygiene measures.

[Translate to Englisch:]

The hardship and suffering of Ukrainians both in the country and on the run, and thus their need for humanitarian aid, is becoming more urgent and greater. The GRC is providing assistance.

[Translate to Englisch:]

Greece has become the most important stopover for refugees who travel to Europe. The high number of refugees leads to poor circumstances. The GRC supports the Hellenic Red Cross with relief items and hygiene measures.

Current projects in Africa

[Translate to Englisch:] Frauen in Mosambik warten auf die Verteilung von HIlfsgütern

Mozambique is one of the poorest countries in the world and is particularly often affected by natural disasters. We support the people there with emergency aid and reconstruction work, such as in the case of cyclone Idai, as well as with an innovative disaster prevention system.

Deutsches Rotes Kreuz, DRK, Afrika, Auslandshilfe, Entwicklungshilfe, Bevölkerung, Vorsorge, Landwirtschaft, Ernährung

The Central African state of Uganda is a country characterised by the aftermath of a civil war, periods of drought, crop failures and epidemics.

Rotkreuzmitarbeiterin in Uganda unterwegs für Flüchtlingsprojekt

Uganda remains the largest refugee-hosting country in Africa. The demand for humanitarian assistance within the hosting communities and settlements is substantial. The GRC is collaborating with the Ugandan Red Cross Society to address crucial areas such as water and sanitation, health promotion, and disaster preparedness.

[Translate to Englisch:] Hilfe für Flüchtlinge in Uganda

Together with the Uganda Red Cross Society, German Red Cross supports refugees and host communities to improve food security and support livelihoods.

Südsudanesin trägt ein Rotkreuz-Hilfsgüterpaket

More than ten years after its declaration of independence, the young state is still marked by armed conflicts and their consequences. The GRC is working together with the South Sudan Red Cross to help people improve their lives with emergency relief measures and long-term projects.

Katastrophenvorsorge in Gemeinden im Südsudan

The GRC is supporing supports the South Sudan Red Cross in improving its disaster risk management with the aim of better protecting the population from disasters and crises.

Wasserversorgung im Südsudan für Geflüchtete aus dem Sudan

With more than 70 percent of the population requiring humanitarian assistance, the South Sudan Red Cross, with support from the GRC, is dedicated to aiding the communities in the Western Equatoria region by improving water and sanitation supplies and actions to promote health.

Südsudanesisches Rote Kreuz verteilt Hilfsgüter für Geflüchtete aus dem Sudan

Following of the armed conflict in Sudan, the German Red Cross is supporting the South Sudanese Red Cross in providing basic humanitarian assistance to refugees and returnees.

[Translate to Englisch:] Frauen in Mosambik warten auf die Verteilung von HIlfsgütern

Mozambique is one of the poorest countries in the world and is particularly often affected by natural disasters. We support the people there with emergency aid and reconstruction work, such as in the case of cyclone Idai, as well as with an innovative disaster prevention system.

Deutsches Rotes Kreuz, DRK, Afrika, Auslandshilfe, Entwicklungshilfe, Bevölkerung, Vorsorge, Landwirtschaft, Ernährung

The Central African state of Uganda is a country characterised by the aftermath of a civil war, periods of drought, crop failures and epidemics.

Rotkreuzmitarbeiterin in Uganda unterwegs für Flüchtlingsprojekt

Uganda remains the largest refugee-hosting country in Africa. The demand for humanitarian assistance within the hosting communities and settlements is substantial. The GRC is collaborating with the Ugandan Red Cross Society to address crucial areas such as water and sanitation, health promotion, and disaster preparedness.

[Translate to Englisch:] Hilfe für Flüchtlinge in Uganda

Together with the Uganda Red Cross Society, German Red Cross supports refugees and host communities to improve food security and support livelihoods.

Südsudanesin trägt ein Rotkreuz-Hilfsgüterpaket

More than ten years after its declaration of independence, the young state is still marked by armed conflicts and their consequences. The GRC is working together with the South Sudan Red Cross to help people improve their lives with emergency relief measures and long-term projects.

Katastrophenvorsorge in Gemeinden im Südsudan

The GRC is supporing supports the South Sudan Red Cross in improving its disaster risk management with the aim of better protecting the population from disasters and crises.

Wasserversorgung im Südsudan für Geflüchtete aus dem Sudan

With more than 70 percent of the population requiring humanitarian assistance, the South Sudan Red Cross, with support from the GRC, is dedicated to aiding the communities in the Western Equatoria region by improving water and sanitation supplies and actions to promote health.

Südsudanesisches Rote Kreuz verteilt Hilfsgüter für Geflüchtete aus dem Sudan

Following of the armed conflict in Sudan, the German Red Cross is supporting the South Sudanese Red Cross in providing basic humanitarian assistance to refugees and returnees.

Current projects in the Middle East

[Translate to Englisch:]

After years of conflict, Syria is largely in ruins. More than half of the former population have lost their livelihoods and are widely dependent on humanitarian aid. Millions of people are displaced within their homeland. Others have fled outside Syria and often found temporary accommodation in the neighbouring countries, such as Turkey, Iraq and Lebanon. Since 2012, the German Red Cross has been providing humanitarian aid in Syria and the neighbouring countries.

Mann im Rollstuhl und Frau mit Kindern
Sicherung der Lebensgrundlagen im Nord-Irak

Nach jahrelangen bewaffneten Auseinandersetzungen ist die humanitäre Notlage im Nordirak immer noch groß. Viele Menschen stehen vor den Trümmern ihrer Existenz. Das DRK unterstützt sie beim Wiederaufbau ihrer Lebensgrundlagen.

[Translate to Englisch:]

Since early 2014 Iraq has been suffering repeated heavy fighting. With no end in sight, in the meantime more than 3 million people have been displaced within the country.

Hilfe im Jemen

Since the beginning of the fighting in 2015, the situation in Yemen has been worsening dramatically. A famine has struck the population and the civilian infrastructure is collapsing more and more. The German Red Cross is supporting the Yemen Red Crescent Society delivering ermergency aid.

Ägyptische Ärztin untersucht Kind auf Liege

Around Cairo the Egypt Red Crescent, GRC and Swiss Red Cross are improving public health services and employment opportunities for migrants, refugees and host communities.

[Translate to Englisch:]

After years of conflict, Syria is largely in ruins. More than half of the former population have lost their livelihoods and are widely dependent on humanitarian aid. Millions of people are displaced within their homeland. Others have fled outside Syria and often found temporary accommodation in the neighbouring countries, such as Turkey, Iraq and Lebanon. Since 2012, the German Red Cross has been providing humanitarian aid in Syria and the neighbouring countries.

Mann im Rollstuhl und Frau mit Kindern
Sicherung der Lebensgrundlagen im Nord-Irak

Nach jahrelangen bewaffneten Auseinandersetzungen ist die humanitäre Notlage im Nordirak immer noch groß. Viele Menschen stehen vor den Trümmern ihrer Existenz. Das DRK unterstützt sie beim Wiederaufbau ihrer Lebensgrundlagen.

[Translate to Englisch:]

Since early 2014 Iraq has been suffering repeated heavy fighting. With no end in sight, in the meantime more than 3 million people have been displaced within the country.

Hilfe im Jemen

Since the beginning of the fighting in 2015, the situation in Yemen has been worsening dramatically. A famine has struck the population and the civilian infrastructure is collapsing more and more. The German Red Cross is supporting the Yemen Red Crescent Society delivering ermergency aid.

Ägyptische Ärztin untersucht Kind auf Liege

Around Cairo the Egypt Red Crescent, GRC and Swiss Red Cross are improving public health services and employment opportunities for migrants, refugees and host communities.

Current projects in Asia-Pacific

Woman with two children and relief supplies in Afghanistan

The humanitarian situation in Afghanistan has worsened since the change of political power. Asif Khan, Head of Office for the GRC in Islamabad, Pakistan, has visited Kabul to assess the living conditions and needs of the families in Afghanistan.

Geflüchtetes Mädchen in der Region Cox's Bazar in Bangladesch trägt einen Krug

Bangladesch leidet regelmäßig unter schweren Regenfällen, Überschwemmungen und Erdrutschen. Zusätzlich bietet es fast eine Million Flüchtlingen aus in Myanmar Zuflucht. Das DRK unterstützt den Roten Halbmond im Land.

[Translate to Englisch:]

Since the large-scale refugee movement in 2017, hundreds of thousands of people from Rakhine, Myanmar, have been living in crowded camps in Bangladesh's densely populated Cox's Bazar region. The German Red Cross is improving their living conditions with projects on water and hygiene as well as safe shelter and disaster preparedness.

Woman with two children and relief supplies in Afghanistan

The humanitarian situation in Afghanistan has worsened since the change of political power. Asif Khan, Head of Office for the GRC in Islamabad, Pakistan, has visited Kabul to assess the living conditions and needs of the families in Afghanistan.

Geflüchtetes Mädchen in der Region Cox's Bazar in Bangladesch trägt einen Krug

Bangladesch leidet regelmäßig unter schweren Regenfällen, Überschwemmungen und Erdrutschen. Zusätzlich bietet es fast eine Million Flüchtlingen aus in Myanmar Zuflucht. Das DRK unterstützt den Roten Halbmond im Land.

[Translate to Englisch:]

Since the large-scale refugee movement in 2017, hundreds of thousands of people from Rakhine, Myanmar, have been living in crowded camps in Bangladesh's densely populated Cox's Bazar region. The German Red Cross is improving their living conditions with projects on water and hygiene as well as safe shelter and disaster preparedness.

Current projects in Latin America

Mutter mit Kind und Helferin

Thousands of people from politically and economically unstable Venezuela flee to Colombia, Peru and Ecuador every day. The GRC supports its partner organizations to assist them.

Rotkreuz-Helferin macht mit ihren Händen ein Herz

People in Honduras and Guatemala are repeatedly threatened by devastating tropical storms and volcanic eruptions. Together with the National Societies the German Red Cross is implementing Forecast-based Financing.

Mutter mit Kind und Helferin

Thousands of people from politically and economically unstable Venezuela flee to Colombia, Peru and Ecuador every day. The GRC supports its partner organizations to assist them.

Rotkreuz-Helferin macht mit ihren Händen ein Herz

People in Honduras and Guatemala are repeatedly threatened by devastating tropical storms and volcanic eruptions. Together with the National Societies the German Red Cross is implementing Forecast-based Financing.

Die Strategie der Internationalen Zusammenarbeit (2025-2027) Unser Engagement für Menschlichkeit: den Wandel dort schaffen, wo er am wichtigsten ist.

The International Cooperation Strategy (2025-2027)

Our commitment to humanity:
pioneering change where it matters most.
Frauen auf einem Feld in Mosambik

Helping, supporting, preventing - these are our strengths!

The DRK's international cooperation aims to provide humanitarian aid in close partnership with national Red Cross and Red Crescent societies around the world, where this aid is most urgently needed.

[Translate to Englisch:]

The German Red Cross provides essential humanitarian support worldwide for people affected by crisis situations. Whether in natural disasters or armed conflicts.

[Translate to Englisch:]

The German Red Cross provides essential humanitarian support worldwide for people affected by crisis situations. Whether in natural disasters or armed conflicts.

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